11.-12. jaanuaril annab Tallinnas Nordic Hotel Forumis meistriklassi vendade Joel ja Ethan Coeni mängufilmide The Hudsucker Proxy ja The Big Lebowski ning stuudiote Warner Brothers, Universal, Disney, Paramount ja Fox juures töötanud tunnustatud stsenaariumikonsultant Karol Griffiths.
Masterclass by Karol Griffiths: Script Editing and Analysis. Scroll down for description in English.
Karol Griffiths on raamatu „The Art of Script Editing, a Practical Guide to Script Development“ autor ning edukas stsenaariumikonsultant ja -toimetaja ning arendusspetsialist üle 20-aastase töökogemusega. Mängufilmidest kuuluvad Karoli tööde hulka “Under Suspicion”, “Nights in Rodanthe”, “The Flintstones”, “The Last Supper”, “Paul” ja “Archipelago”, ning seriaalide hulka “Above Suspicion”, “Roseanne”, “Friends”, “Just Shoot Me”ja “How I Met Your Mother”. Karolil on magistrikraad Yale’i Draamakoolist ning stsenaariumitoimetaja diplom Londoni Filmi- ja Televisioonikoolist. Ta tegutseb koolitaja ja mentorina Sources 2, Londoni Stsenaristide Festivali, The Literary Consultancy ning mitmete gildide ja organisatsioonide juures üle kogu maailma.
Meistriklasson mõeldud kõigile, kes osalevad stsenaariumiarendusprotsessi mis iganes faasis – stsenaristid ja produtsendid, tele-, filmi- ja meediatootjad, stsenaariumitoimetajad, režissöörid ning kõik teised, kes soovivad laiendada oma teadmisi stsenaariumi professionaalsest arendamisest. Töötoas räägitakse muuhulgas tele- ja filmistsenaariumi arendamisest, loojutustamisest ning stsenaariumi struktuurist, žanri kasutamisest ja selle tähtsusest, stsenaariumi lugemise, analüüsi ja hindamise protsessist, stsenaariumi arendamise ja toimetamise üliolulisest rollist, kasuliku ja põhjaliku stsenaariumi tagasisideraporti koostamisest, efektiivsetest tagasiside andmise viisidest, stsenaristide ja produtsentidega töötamisest, stsenaristide töövahenditest produtsentide ja toimetajatega töötamisel, tööprotsessi lihtsustavatest oskustest ja tööharjumustest, ümberkirjutamisest, ideekavanditest, arendus- ja esitlusmaterjalidest.
Aeg: 11.-12. jaanuar 2020 kell 10.00-18.00
Koht: Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3)
Kahepäevase meistriklassi osalustasu, mis sisaldab kohvipause ja lõunaid, on 140 eurot, ESG liikmele 120 eurot, tudengile 100 eurot.
Registreerimisvormi leiab siit.
Eesti Stsenaristide Gild loodi 2018. aasta augustis eesmärgiga edendada professionaalset stsenaristikat. Oktoobris 2019 sai ESG Euroopa Stsenaristide Föderatsiooni liikmeks. Infot Gildi tegevuse, eelseisvate täiendkoolituste ja stsenaariumiarendustöötubade kohta leiab uudiskirjast, mille saab tellida meie kodulehel (vt lahter parempoolsel paneelil).
Jälgi ürituse Facebooki-lehte.
Kontakt: leanajalukse@stsenaristid.ee
Masterclass by Karol Griffiths: Script Editing and Analysis
This is a valuable two-day workshop for anyone developing a script no matter where they are in the process. Ideal for writers and producers, TV, film and media staff, script readers, directors, freelancers or anyone interested in expanding their understanding of how a script is professionally advanced.
The content of this workshop will include:
- How to develop scripts for film and television.
- An overview of storytelling and basic screenplay structure.
- The importance and use of genre.
- The process of reading, analysing and evaluating a script.
- The vital role of development and script editing. What qualities are needed to be successful, how to navigate the many tasks and delicate aspects of the development process.
- How to write a useful and impressive script report.
- How to give script notes in an effective way.
- How to work with writers and producers.
- Techniques for writers working with producers and editors to achieve the best results.
- Skills and work habits that benefit the process.
- Rewrites.
- Treatments, Outlines and Pitching Materials.
Karol Griffiths is a development consultant and script editor with over twenty years of experience. She works with a wide variety of talent internationally including: Silver Reel, Endemol Shine, BBC, ITV, Sky Arts, Warner Brothers, Universal, Disney, Paramount and Fox Studios, Amblin Entertainment, The Coen Brothers, Working Title, Revelations Entertainment, and La Plante Productions.
Some Feature Film highlights include: The Hudsucker Proxy, The Big Lebowski, Under Suspicion, Nights in Rodanthe, The Flintstones, The Last Supper and Archipelago.
Some Television highlights are: Humans (adapted for China), Above Suspicion, Roseanne, Friends, Just Shoot Me, and How I Met Your Mother.
Karol also teaches, lectures and mentors – for Sources 2, London Screenwriters’ Festival, The Literary Consultancy and various writers’ guilds and organisations throughout the world. Her book, The Art Of Script Editing – A Practical Guide To Script Development (published by Kamera books) is highly regarded in the industry.
Time: January 11.-12, 2020 at 10.00-18.00 on both days
Location: Nordic Hotel Forum (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn)
Participation fee for the two-day workshop:
140€ (includes coffee breaks and lunches)
Reduced fee for the members of the Estonian Screenwriters’ Guild: 120€ (includes coffee breaks and lunches)
Reduced fee for students: 100€ (includes coffee breaks and lunches)
Please use this link for registration.
An invoice will be sent to your e-mail within a couple of business days. Registration is complete once the participation fee has been paid.
Cancellation fees apply: until November 30 – full refund; until December 20 – 50% of the participation fee, starting on December 21 – 100% of the participation fee
Contact the organiser Leana Jalukse at leanajalukse@stsenaristid.ee